This is a fun filled and fact finding day out where Enspire invites you to get close and personal with the not-so-creepy crawlies of Slieve Gullion.
Discover how cool and fascinating mini-beasts and insects are and not the scary and horrible creatures we all are led to believe!
Join the Enspire team after the hunt to play games and make ‘larger than life’ mini beasts.
2pm Sunday 3rd June 2012 at Slieve Gullion Courtyard
The only way to guarantee your booking is to use the PayPal cart below. If adding more than one place, please use the "Continue Shopping" option on the next page.
If you would like to talk to us about the event or the booking then ring 07840385223 or 07763496179!
We are happy to answer questions about our events but bookings can only be accepted via the PayPal cart or via post.
If you would prefer to book via the normal post you can do this too! Download our booking form (in .pdf or .doc format) and send it to the address on the form accompanied by your fee.
Note: All cheques must clear before your booking is guaranteed.
Word format or Adobe PDF format.